
Toxicology Report Reveals That Chromium In Tap Water Causes Cancer
Chromium-6, also known as Hexavalent Chromium, is a toxic metal produced by industrial processes and manufacturing activities such as discharges from steel and pulp mills. For generations it has been known that inhaling chromium-6 while working at these facilities leads to lung cancer and now this deadly compound is making...

Have You Fallen Victim To The Biggest Bottled Water Hoax?
Are you an exclusive bottled water drinker who believes that bottled water is the ‘healthier‘ option. If so, forgive us because we’re going to burst your bubble here in a second. The Hidden Mist Of Bottled Water Did you know the industry itself acknowledges that up to 45% of bottled...

Super Simple Yet Effective Water Saving Tips
Did you know that only 2% of the earth’s water is available for drinking? And 1% of that water is frozen. Every day in the United States, we drink about 110 million gallons of water and the average American uses 140-170 gallons of water per day. When it comes to...

This Known Toxic Chemical Is In Your Water Supply And Causing You Devastating Degenerative Diseases
In 1945 America began to poison their nation by putting fluoride in the public water supply as a blind attempt to prevent tooth decay in children. Fluoride is a hazardous industrial bi-product from the mining and phosphate fertilizer industries. It is the active ingredient in rat poison and people wear...

There’s Pharmaceutical Drugs In Your Tap Water
Take a look at this documentary, Tapped: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/tapped/ The documentary touched base on how many pollutants there are in our bottled water, including pharmaceuticals. And unfortunately our tap water is no better. It’s been widely known and accepted for a while now that ALL tap water on this planet, every...

Take The Rat Poison Out of Your Tap Water
Many of the toxins you ingest get stored in your tissues, organs, and bones because your body has no way of getting rid of them. They quietly accumulate and go unnoticed causing a little more damage as each day goes by…until finally something as serious as kidney stones or cancer...

Public Water Supply Contaminated With Arsenic
Arsenic is a semi-metal element, it’s odorless, tasteless and it’s surprisingly quite commonly found in the public water supply across the globe causing detrimental health conditions. The hazardous effects of Arsenic first attracted attention in the early 1990’s when a young man named Rezaul Morol nearly died in Bangladesh from...

Chemical War Weapon Found In Drinking Water Is Increasing Cancer Risk By 93%
In 1904 this chemical was announced as the standard way of disinfecting drinking water, not because it was the safest or most effective, but because it was the cheapest. This is the same poisonous weapon that was used to kill hundreds of thousands of people in World War II. This...

Warning: Lethal Metal In Water Supply, Effects Are Permanent And Irreversible
This metal was heavily used back in the 1970’s in the construction of homes, in paints, gasoline, and even in the production of children’s toys and today it’s proven to be one of the most lethal metals known to man: Lead Lead poisoning occurs over a period of months or...

How Black Mica “Heals” Your Water
Black Mica is the king of all stones, it brings rise to the entire mineral matrix that is found on our planet. This philosopher stone is what cleanses our planet’s water and what provides hot springs with its healing minerals such as sulfur. It is simply the most powerful water...

World War I chemical weapon intentionally added to public water supply
WWI chemical weapon in public water supply: Did you know: One of the most common chemicals in our water supply is the very same poisonous weapon used to kill? To kill hundreds of thousands of soldiers in World War I? This deadly chemical weapon used in WWI is none other than Chlorine....

Arsenic in Well Water Linked to Cancer
Arsenic is scary stuff… It’s been linked to bladder, skin, kidney, and prostate cancer but still thousands ofpounds are released every year into our water supply! Farmland runoff, industrial waste and even orchards are silently polluting your aquifer from hundreds of miles away. This insidious toxin is both odorless and...